Monday, September 26, 2011

Introductions are in order

 My name is Aidamarie and I live in Orlando, Florida. I have lived in Florida for most of my life, although I traveled extensively when I was younger. For the past 6 years I have been married to the most amazing man and best friend I could ask for. We have two daughters 3 & 1 years old. They have both been named after film & television actors, just don't tell my husband.
He thinks the names were chosen at random.

I am an only child, and when we traveled I was the only child amongst a plethora of adults. Didn't have much but books and T.V. to escape to. So I will say that my addiction to Television started at a pretty early age when I discovered that Tom & Jerry cartoons were broadcast worldwide, as was Scooby Doo.

I am not going to lie and say that my choice in Television shows has matured much over the years. As my sorority sisters that roomed with me can attest to I fell asleep each night to the Cartoon Network.
So if you are reading this and think that I am going to write a super intelligent blog about T.V. think again. I am just using this as an outlet to express my love, frustration, annoyance and infatuation with current T.V. shows.

I might go back to some cancelled shows that I loved such as LOST, Heroes, The Facts of Life, Roseanne, As the World Turns for reference.

XOXO (yep I love Gossip Girl)
-A (yep I love Pretty Little Liars)

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